2021 JAN 01
What types of Signers use Online Notary Services - Brenda Stone dba StoneDigital?
Thus far, my signers have been involved in real estate/title company or legal transactions.
I can notarize almost any type of document presented to me, but I’ve been fortunate to develop relationships with attorneys and people in the title business. I say fortunate because handling these types of transactions ensure there are knowledgeable professionals and/or lawyers involved in the process and the signers are prepared before we meet. They have been able to ask questions from those who have referred them to me.
Types of signers who have used my notary services.
A Dad who Signed Two Deeds and a Trust Document – an attorney I work with had a client from Houston visiting a son in the northwest corner of Washington state. The client executed two deeds and a trust document. The attorney was present during the session (via Zoom), answered questions, and was able to talk to the client and his children through the entire transaction. (Attorney’s client)
Seller of a Business Property – a woman who owns several commercial restaurant chain properties in Texas sold one of them and executed the deed and other documents during a session with me. (Title company’s client)
Home Buyers - a military couple; they were buying a home and needed powers of attorney granted to someone in the U.S.A. who would become their attorney-in-fact. Mrs. Signer was in Germany and he was in the Middle East. (Title company’s client)
Home Seller - the seller of the home above was a lady who lived in Houston but was taking time off to spend time with her aunt. She was in Chicago and she chose to use an online notary. (Title company’s client)
Settlor & Trustee in a Family Trust – they were vacationing in Mexico and needed to sign documents on a deadline. (Referral by a friend who is an attorney)
Doctor on Vacation in Mexico – referred to me by an attorney friend. The doctor was an affiant in a court case and needed an affidavit notarized while he was there. (Referral by a friend who is an attorney)
Home Sellers – another couple taking advantage of cheap prices to travel during COVID. They were in Mexico signing from their villa. (Title company’s client)
Attorney’s Client who Executed Solvency Documents related to a trust. One signer was in Mexico; the other was in the U.S. (Attorney’s client)